Thursday, September 26, 2019

Foundations of finance Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Foundations of finance - Math Problem Example The above table shows the steps used to generate the best alternative. Six 200 sq. meter area alternatives were chosen. Next the required â€Å"borders† (2 meters, 1.5 meters, 1 meter) were respectively deducted from each side of the alternatives. Next, the perimeter of the lawn perimeter was generated. The alternative with the biggest perimeter is the correct answer. As expected, alternative B generated the biggest lawn perimeter fence. Alternative B shows the correct length, â€Å"L†, should be 100 meters. Likewise, alternative B shows the correct width,† W†, should be 2 meters. The above tables 2 and 3 show the computations for the cable lengths needed for both the 6 meter tower and the 15 meter tower. To reduce total cost, the above table 3 shows that as the junction box should be placed in the middle of the two towers (ten meters width for each of the two towers), total cost =  £ 15.60 million. When the junction box is moved 1 meter to the left (Alternative C), the total cost increases to  £19.36 million. When the junction box is moved 1 meter to the right (Alternative B), the total cost increases to  £19.38 million. Alternative E and F shows as width of either tower is pegged at 1 meter, the total cost reaches more than  £ 21.00 million. Based on the above table on the total cost of the different alternatives, alternative A generated the minimum (lowest) total cost,  £16.50 million. To reiterate, the junction box should be strategically placed in the middle of the two towers in order to generate the minimum (lowest) total cost. The steps taken arrive at the above answer is shown in the excel file. The math formula, C2 = A2 + B2, was used to arrive at the required cable length of each tower (Wheater, 2012). The â€Å"C† variable represents the cable length of each cable. The â€Å"A† variable represents each tower’s height. The â€Å"B† variable represents each tower’s width. After getting the cable length, the cost of

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