Thursday, September 26, 2019

How the US Constitution Relates to Being an Army Officer Essay

How the US Constitution Relates to Being an Army Officer - Essay Example Article 1 section 8 stipulates clearly this role (Legal Information Institute 1). This therefore implies that United State Army serves under dual chain of command. These chains of command encompass the executive and legislative branches of government. Thus, from the founding of United State subordination of army officers to civil authority has been a crucial principle to the nation’s constitutional system. Military profession has recognized and embraced a tradition of service to the nation before self-interests. Constitution acknowledges military role of protecting freedom and important national interests. It also balances the duty of military with constitutional democracy where people get chances to maintain ultimate authority over the military through their elected leaders. There are several sections of United States’ Constitution affecting a military officer. The constitution is the foundation of army in United States. In Article 1 Section 8 clause 11 through 16 give s the Congress the powers regarding the Army. For instance, clause 12 dictates that the Congress has the mandate to form and assist army. Clause 13 authorizes Congress to provide all the assistance, which Navy requires. Similarly, clause 14, 15, and 16 empowers the Congress to call and discipline military, to suppress invasions, and to regulate the activities of United States military. This therefore implies that the constitution of United States demands military officers are answerable to the Congress. Congress can declare war, award letters of marque and retaliation, enacts rules that to direct capturing on land and water. In addition, the Congress can send any military officers to areas, which it feels United States should display its military mighty. Although the army has its autonomy, the Congress prescribes their cause of actions (Legal Information Institute 1). The US Constitution requires that people who enlist or re-enlist in Armed Forces of United States to pledge enlistme nt oath. Any commissioned officer can administer the oath of enlistment for a given term of service in any branch of the military. Army officers swear, before the United State flag, that they will support and defend the Constitution of United States against domestic and foreign enemies. The army officers also assure the nation that they will be faithful and obedient to the orders from the president of United States. This oath of enlistment binds military officers to respect the spirit of United States Constitution. Loyalty to the Constitution in the part of army officers implies that they are ready to uphold ideals of their unit (Legal Information Institute 1). Therefore, the army officers dedicate and commit themselves to serve and protect the country faithfully. The foundation of laws of military justice has its basis on the United States Constitution. Article 1 section 8 gives Congress powers to regulate military operations. These powers enabled the Congress to enact substantive and procedures laws that direct the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Military law came into existence in the year 1950. Enactors of this law borrowed a lot for United State Constitution in order to make the existing law into a comprehensive code. Uniform Code of Military Justice underwent revision in the year 1968. The law established military courts. The Uniform Code of Military Justice allows the Army Criminal Investigation Command to investigate misconducts of military personnel. Misconduct on the part military officers ranges from rape,

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